Sunday, November 19, 2006

Mail Fraud

In the mail yestrerday, I got the strangest postcard. It was plain paper with a Carlsbad Carverns National Park stamp that was printed onto it with a one cent stamp added next to it. The time stamp said it was from NYC, but there was no return address.


I look on the reverse side and there is this quote:

"Give no more to every guest
Than he is able to digest

Give him always of the prime
And but a little at a time

Carve to all but just enough
Let them neither starve nor stuff

And that you may have your due
Let your neighbor carve for you"

- Jonathan Swift

Then at the bottom it says
"Looking forward to seeing you next Wednesday ... Ricardo"

Who the hell is Ricardo?
What the hell is this crap?

I must have turned this card over and over looking for some hint as to who or what it is associated with.

Maybe Ricardo is a friend whose name I have forgotten with the effects of early onset Alzheimers
or maybe
Ricardo is going to come to my house next wednesday and use one of my own kitchen knives to "carve" me up and turn my apartment into a blood bath.

If anyone else has received this card and knows what the heck it is all about lemme know.
whoever you are,
I am most decidedly Not coming to dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Franny!!! Don't you remember Tulsa?!?! Ricardo?!?!?! DUH!!!!